建築的藝術 / The Art of Architecture
餐桌上的紅金帝國 / The Empire of Red Gold
情陷斯卡布羅 / Scarborough
諾亞方舟大冒險 / Ooops! The Adventure Continues
紅杉林懸案 / Redwood Massacre: Annihilation
加密貨幣世界:比特幣、區塊鍊和互聯網的未來 / Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet
新‧里見八犬傳 / Legend of the Eight Samurai
再見街貓BOB / A Gift From BOB
愛上卡布奇諾男孩 / Bangla
純淬:橄欖油的原鄉 / Jaén, Virgen & Extra
哲人王:李登輝對話篇 / Philosopher King - Lee Teng-huis Dialogue